Monday 12 September 2011


So some design stuff today, there's been a lot of art recently (and still more to come). This is a return to a design I did while doing GCSE D.T.

The brief was to make a simple key fob (ring) out of metal so that it could then be dip coated. As you can see below I didn't quite get that with my first design which was the biohazard warning symbol. The 3D render is done in Google Sketchup.

So this is the revised design where I stuck with the same sort of idea as before but just simplified it to the radiation warning symbol. Again Google Sketchup.

So this is how the key fob ended up at the end of the project at school. As you can see I never got round to the dip coating stage, but no one else did either as we ran out of time (mainly due to the thickness of the mild steel it's made out of).

 So I returned to this today and with some sandpaper and wirewool I got rid of the small bits of rust on it, cleaned up the edges and surfaces and attached a small chain thing I had lying around.

 So there we are. Thats a sort of closure for this miniproject, thanks bye.

1 comment:

  1. wow cool stuff i love it how do you make all this stuffits looks impossible maybe not for you ha lol anyway amazing stuff !!!!!!!! ;) :)
