Tuesday 28 February 2012

Model Workshop 2

So returning from where I left off yesterday, this is the shape of my (computer) mouse model looking very much like an Apple mouse (button less), but that will change today.

The first job was to mark out  and mill on the body the slot for the holder for the scrolling wheel. The marking out was done with a digital vernier and then the material was removed on the milling machine creating...
...this lovely gap here.
To fill the gap I began work on the holder for the wheel. Starting off with a simple block I cut and sanded it down so that it fitted neatly in the hole with approx. 1/2mm gap round it (this actually took two attempts as the first was too small)
 With the holder temporarily done, I set to work on making the buttons. To do this I had to first prise apart the two parts of the model and, making a substitute base out of pink foam, cut across and down the top piece splitting it into the body and two buttons. This was done on a fret saw and was quite nerve-racking as there was very little room for error.
That done I returned to the scrolling wheel holder where again using the milling machine I cut a groove and created an indent.
 So the final setup of the pieces looks like this both dismantled and together (OK minus the ABS base and the scrolling wheel itself)
So the final work I got done today was starting to paint the model. First each component was mounted onto a wooden stand and then I applied the first coat of a grey primer using a spray gun. The paint emphasises any mistakes made so I then took a couple of pieces back to the workbench to sand out a couple of holes before applying a second coat of primer.
So nearly done then, just the painting to finish tomorrow, so it shouldn't take too long (good as I have lots of other work to get on with)

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