Monday 14 November 2011

Metal Workshop- Tremmel (3) and a pencil......pen.......thing

Sorry but more work on the tremmel today. I finished my preliminary work on the lathe, more to be done later though, and started work on the milling machines

The milling machines are the linear response to the rotation of the lathe, namely a way to make precise and automated vertical and horizontal cuts and holes, and as such I was able to add the required holes to the extension adjustment component. This was all I was able to do as the milling machine is very confusing and has some very complicated processes using strange things such as wobblers, datums, reamers, digital readouts and leather hammers (called hammers of Thor), at least complicated to all of us beginners.
 The milling machine

 However, while waiting for a chance to use the milling machine, there are only six in the workshop, I was given a bonus challenge on the lathe in the form of a tremmel style pencil/pen.
 The pencil is made from two parts of the same 8mm rod, and uses the techniques we have used already, but to a greater extent.
 I was also given an option of how I wanted the end of the pencil finished, choosing an angled end. I do still need to finish and polish it, but that can be done in the general polishing session that will inevitably come later. So more work tomorrow and more greasy hands, what fun.

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