Friday 21 October 2011

Design Process Assignment 1- Crit (and a half applause)

So today was the deadline (sort of) and the crit(ique) of my drawing work. After the usual start with another lecture from Rob, this time on technical drawings and our next assignment (no rest for the wicked, more on that later). We had the crit. It started with us all sat in our groups in rows of chairs, facing a projection screen while people showed their work and Rob and Hua commented.

But after an hour and only 4 out of 15 groups, it was decided that after the lunch break to display all the presentation sheets on the wall and have Rob explain what he liked and disliked about each one, before going back to the seats to display the working drawings. The crit was quite critical and most had aspects that were criticised and very few were good as they were. The main criticisms were: too much photoshop, too many too large logos and not enough effort.

Fortunately mine was one of the ones which he seemed to like more, mainly due to their plain background, relatively large amount of work, limited use of photoshop and my placement of the logos. What he did say however was that, although I was one of about three people who got the logo aspect sort of right, adding to the drawings instead of distracting from them, the bars at the bottom could still be more discrete and the perspective of the HTC drawings could be improved slightly.

For the working drawings he seemed pleased with mine particularly the cheese grater and the Razor, both of which he liked the detailing of, for which he encouraged from the group a half applause, not quite as good as a full applause, but since only two others got a full applause and no one else a half applause, I felt very pleased.

So good though still improvements to be made for the final marking in April, however not as much needed as most others, so I'm really pleased with this first crit.

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