Sunday 30 October 2011

A Taster, Zebra and No. 80,676,055,781

Ok so before some more serious stuff, I just wanted to show this little gem I found while walking into Uxbridge. Sprayed onto a traffic bollard, a small zebra. It must have been done with a stencil, but it is just a small example of how graffiti can be fun and just add that extra little bit of cheer in what could have been a gloomy day, luckily it wasn't, but it just shows what graffiti should and could be like, small, unobtrusive and fun.

Anyway, I've been doing more work this weekend, working on my project for Graphic Communication, and although I don't want to spoil too much, here is a little taster of the direction I have decided to take for this assignment.

And finally, an interesting little piece of information I learnt is that statistically, I am the 
person to be born....ever. The 5,592,912,904 person alive at the time.I learnt this from a UN website called 7 billion and me, which is counting down the number of births until the total reaches 7 billion, which is going to be very soon, because as of writing this it is already on 6,999,887,011. You can type some basic demographic information into this website and find out a load of statistically based fact, such as that for me 2,539,378,636 people have been born since me, 1,032,405,962 have died and that I share a birthday with 366,682 other people worldwide, grrrr. So that's quite neat. Oh and just to let you know, since typing the current total, it has gone up by over 700 more people!

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