Today is something different, some weird variations on my name, they gradually get vaguer as they go down the page so try and bear with it.
This first one is my name in the form of an ambigram. An ambigram is a word which reads the same when read right way up or upside down. I actually did this while watching a documentary on ambigrams from the Angles and Demons DVD, where they said ambigrams were very hard to do, this I came up with in under 10 mins, it probably helped that I do have very easy corresponding letters in my name.
This next one I first wrote in Denmark in a Viking museum from a Viking alphabet on display there. I have always liked Runic (from Runes) script and Viking culture in general. Note: there are only five letters in the surname as the 'th' is one letter.
And finally this is written from the twengar script which was created by a certain JRR Tolkien and as you may guess is elvish. This is very weird to write as the consonants form the main letter and the vowels are the accents above and below the consonants, their position depending on whether the vowel comes before or after the consonant. But anyway enough technicalities, it looks nice at least to me and that's all that really matters. So; bye!